Tuesday 12 April 2016

Blog changes

I've taken a bit of a break from writing on this blog, and in this time I've decided that it's time to stop writing solely about my time off since I'm (unfortunately) not doing anything particularly exciting. Therefore, I've decided to stop posts about confidence and achievements and others like that, in favour of writing about things that are a bit different. I'm hoping to invest my time in writing a lot more, but less about myself specifically. My first idea is a weekly opinion post where I write about my opinions on a range of matters (basically whatever I've been thinking about recently). There are other things I'm thinking about writing about- I'll probably do reviews, and I'd also like to try writing about food if I get round to making anything interesting. I'll get these posts out as and when I think of them, though. 

I'll still do personal posts to help clear my head and make me feel better (and I will label them as that), as well as reflective posts to help keep some track of any progress I make, though I'm cutting the confidence and achievements posts (I'll compile a list of everything relevant I've done that will be published later on). However, I want to write things that are both interesting for me to write and interesting for others to read, and I feel like the posts I've been making recently are a bit of a dull read, as well as not being particularly exciting to write. I'll keep posting updates about new post themes.