Monday, 9 November 2015


I had been wanting to make this post for some time but didn't quite get round to it since I've had a few other things that were a bit more urgent that needed doing.
One of the first things I did when I got back to help me settle into my new routine was make brownies. I had decided that I would work on improving my cooking, especially focusing of healthy (or healthier) dishes. I had seen a recipe online for healthier brownies that I had been wanting to try out for a while, mostly to see if it tasted as good as the recipe claimed it did. We happened to have (mostly) the right ingredients in the house, so I thought I'd give making these brownies a go. I'm not the best cook so I was a bit apprehensive about these, especially since they are egg-less, flour-less and sugar-less, but they were surprisingly good! Actually they were pretty damn delicious, and I really enjoyed them. I'll link the recipe I used for these in this post, but they consisted primarily of banana and peanut butter, which is not really something you would think of when it came to brownies.
These basically mimicked brownies very closely- they had a very similar texture (though they were less cakey since no flour was used), and the same chewyness that is one of the key characteristics of brownies. Those things alone made for a pretty tasty treat. They also tasted very similar to real brownies, though the banana taste comes through a bit. It's not dominant, though, so it still feels like you're eating brownies. They were a nice brown colour, though they were a bit burnt around the edges since the mixture didn't make much and ended up thinning out around the sides. I'm pretty sure that's happened to me with real brownies before. They were also amazingly easy to make- I just chucked all the ingredients into a food processor and blended until smooth, poured out the mixture into a baking tray then left it in the oven to bake. The only problem with my brownies is that I used sweetened cocoa powder instead of cacao (it's really expensive!) and processed peanut butter instead of raw peanut butter as the recipe states, so the brownies were less healthy than they should have been, and I'm not sure if they would have tasted as good if I'd used these ingredients.
Having said that, I'm really pleased with this recipe, and proud of myself for make something (kind of) healthy that tasted really nice and that I enjoyed eating. This is relatively rare for me! I would have posted pictures, but they wouldn't have done the brownies justice- they tasted much better than they looked. I've also eaten most of them. I'll definitely make them again though, and this time I'll try and use the healthier ingredients.

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