Monday 7 March 2016

Things to do in the remainder of my time off

It's March, which means I have about six months left until I go back to university. While I've adjusted to being off and I'm embracing the fact that I have nothing to do and no real pressure since this will most likely be the only time in my life that I have this much time off, I still think it would be a shame to let all this time go to waste. I feel like my attitude has changed- not for the worse but not necessarily for the better. It has just changed. Therefore, my ideas and ambitions have been altered as a result, and the plans I had made in November don't have as much of an appeal any more. I want to do things a bit differently, and I keep coming up with ideas then forgetting them, so I'm going to make this post in order to keep track of everything idea I come up with.
These are a few ideas of things I'd like to do with my time in the remaining six months (other than relaxing and watching Netflix):

  • Find some work experience in a sector I might be interested in going into (and begin researching this pretty much NOW)
  • Maybe find some other voluntary work to do alongside the work I'm doing, just to have a little extra 
  • At least keep the prospect of opening my online art shop alive. This is something I still want to do and I am very close to finishing, but I need to make sure that my money will remain safe in doing so, and I need to consider whether it really is worth taking the risk. 
  • If I open the art shop, do some research into business stuff since I'm completely clueless about that, as well as looking into doing promotions and using social media as a way of doing this. I plan on using Instagram initially (I've already been posting some of my drawings on there so it makes sense). I'll branch out if my shop starts to do okay.
  • Promoting this blog (or starting another blog with a theme to promote). This blog has always been for me really, and I've never been to bothered about it getting popular or anything. If someone reads it and it inspires them and makes them happy then that's great, but I pretty much do this for myself. However, I read this article about a woman who started a blog in a gap year and learned how to promote it etc. and gained a lot of skills other than writing from doing this, and this made me consider doing the same, since I'd love to gain all those skills too.
  • Find some sort of job. I'm definitely going to be more careful about this and I've cooled down my search since I left the last one because I don't want the same scenario to happen again too soon (plus I've been focusing on choosing a university). I've also found it quite difficult to find a job which makes the search a bit arduous since it includes filling out multiple forms that take ages only to be rejected. I really don't understand how people say 'get a part time job' so matter of factly like it's something that it's very easy to come by. Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong. I'm probably doing it wrong. Anyway, I don't plan on giving up looking, just being less aggressive about it and taking time to find a job that will suit me.
  • Start reading and preparing for university. There's a lot of reading to be done on an English course (obviously) so it would be great to get a head start since I have the time. It'll help me to manage my time more effectively later on when I begin my course too. I'll probably also make some notes on the books and possibly highlight a few things in preparation (though it's difficult to know what might be relevant in the book without knowing what perspective we'll look at the literature in).
Alongside these ideas (which were pretty much all my own)  I've also been doing some research so I could add to this list, but, sadly, most of it revolved around getting a job and working for a bit then travelling. Of course I would love to have a job (that's what I most wanted when I realised I would have all this time off, but finding one that's at least slightly reasonable (i.e. doesn't involve me working until late in the night) has been a massive struggle. These seem like my best options so I'll look into them and keep posting regularly about my plans to keep track of all the things I'd planned, as well as keeping my mind organised. I'll update this list if I come up with any other ideas. 

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